Questions and Answers for Service Providers
type: Frequently asked

Source: dencg /
What information do I need to apply for an authorization certificate?
When applying for a certificate by the authority responsible for issuing authorization certificates (Vergabestelle für Berechtigungszertifikate), service providers must indicate the data categories they need to read. They also have to specify their business purpose. Furthermore, data protection details must be given.
How long is an authorization certificate valid?
The authority responsible for issuing authorization certificates (Vergabestelle für Berechtigungszertifikate) issues authorization certificates for a maximum period of three years.
Where can I get ID cards to test applications?
To test the functionalities of the German National Identity Card, a test infrastructure is offered by the various eID service providers. You can apply for ID card specimens via the eID service providers. Costs may accrue for the use of the test infrastructure and the ID card specimens.
Where can I find the relevant guidelines for technical implementation?
The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) lays down the technical guidelines for electronic identity documents. They can be found at the BSI's website.
Is it possible to revoke authorization certificates already issued to private and public service providers in case of misuse?
A service provider's authorization can be blocked if the authority responsible for issuing authorization certificates (Vergabestelle für Berechtigungszertifikate) finds or confirms any misuse. Any suspicions are first examined by the Vergabestelle für Berechtigungszertifikate in the course of administrative proceedings. In this context the competent data protection supervisory authorities can be involved.
What are the options for integrating the eID function into administrative services?
The eID function can be used for eletronic authentification with governmental online services. The necessary data are transmitted securely, seamlessly and correctly to the specialized IT application.
You can find examples of existing online services at Applications.
What are the options for integrating the eID function into electronic business processes?
The eID function can be integrated into all web services in which new or already known customers must clearly identify themselves. The necessary data are transmitted securely, seamlessly and correctly to your IT system.
You can find examples of existing online services at Applications.
How big is my potential target group?
By 2020, all 61 million Germans who are required to carry identification will have the German National Identity card. In addition, there are citizens of non-EU or non-EEA countries. Since 1 September 2011, they have received electronic residence permits which serve as proof that the holder is entitled to reside in Germany and are also equipped with the eID function.
In January 2018, nearly 53 million ID cards and around eight million electronic residence permits were issued.