To use the eID function, you need software to establish a secure connection between your card reader, your ID card and the service provider. With such software, data can be exchanged in encrypted form between the ID card and the service provider.
You can download the free software AusweisApp for such data exchange. Currently AusweisApp supports the operating systems Windows, Linux and Mac OS. You can find more detailed information on the website of AusweisApp.
The AusweisApp is also available for smartphones.
You can download AusweisApp for Android in Google Play Store and for iOS in the Apple App Store.
Another free software is the AUTHADA ident ID which creates a rapid, powerful and secure connection between a national identity card and an application for the eID--electronic identity function. The app is available in a mobile version for smartphones and in a version for use on a desktop. No special software is necessary.
The AUTHADA ident app is available to download from the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
Open eCard App
The Open eCard App is certified by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and provided by an open source consortium which was originally publicly funded. As a Java app it is platform-independent and can also run on Linux operating systems.
The software supports the eID function as well as functions of the electronic health card, signature cards and eID cards from other countries.
To use the Open eCard App you must install the Java Runtime Environment and carry out additional security settings.
Information about the Open eCard App and the download is available on the provider’s website.
Using card readers
Depending on the operating system and card reader you use, you may also have to install a driver for the card reader, and update the card reader’s firmware.
Drivers and firmware are available on the websites of card reader suppliers.
The providers of software for the eID functions also publish information on the use of card readers on their websites.