Data stored in the Chip

type: Article

The ID card contains a contactless, readable chip.

This chip stores your photograph, the data you can see on your ID card and, if you wish, also your fingerprints. You decide whether your fingerprint data will be stored on the ID card.

Which data may be transmitted with the eID function?

If you agree, the following data can be transmitted:

  • family name and given names,
  • date and place of birth,
  • address and postal code,
  • if applicable: name at birth
  • if applicable: religious, stage or pen name,
  • if applicable: doctoral degree

Biometric data are never transmitted. Whenever you use the eID function, there are background checks to verify the validity of your ID card and whether it has been blocked.
Thus, it is protected against misuse in case you lose your ID card.

Data exclusively used for ID checks by a public authority

Your photo is saved on the chip of your ID card. Until July 2021, the additional storage of two fingerprints in the chip was voluntary; for new ID cards issued since 2 August 2021, it is mandatory throughout Europe.

These data are used exclusively by public authorities to securely establish your identify. The authorities having this competence are specified in the Act on Identity Cards and Electronic Identification, e.g.:

  • police authorities
  • customs administration
  • state tax investigation units
  • identity card, passport or registration authorities

Why are biometric data stored in the chip?

By matching biometric data stored in the chip with the person presenting the ID card, competent public authorities can easily and reliably verify whether this person is also the legitimate ID card holder. This helps prevent any misuse of lost or stolen ID cards. The biometric data only include your photograph and, if you wish, your fingerprints.
The chip does not store your signature, your height or eye colour.

Which data may be transmitted for which transaction?

DataID checks by a public authorityeID function (voluntary)
family name and given name



date and place of birth



address and postal code



if applicable: religious, stage or pen name



if applicable: doctoral degree



Biometric data
digital photo



If you wish: digital fingerprints



Additional information
serial number of the ID card

