
type: Article

Here you can download the documents available on the ID card:

To download the AusweisApp please click here.

Flyer: The German Identity Card. Security Features.Flyer about the security features of the German Identity Card (issued by Bundesdruckerei).
Please note: This is a bilingual brochure available in both English and German.
Flyer: The Electronic Residence Permit. Security Features.Flyer about the security features of the Electronic Residence Permit (issued by Bundesdruckerei).
Please note: This is a bilingual brochure available in both English and German.
Act on Identity Cards and Electronic IdentificationAct on Identity Cards of 18 June 2009 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1346), amended by Article 4 of the Act of 22 December 2011 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 2959)2011.02.21
Brochure: The electronic residence permitIn this brochure you will learn what you can use your electronic residence permit for in everyday life in Germany, how you can use it in the digital world and with which security mechanisms it protects your personal data. (published by Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge)2020.05.29